
Download SoundWheel for windows

Download shareware,.95 version of SoundWheel

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SoundWheel, Shareware,$12.95
File info:
File's size: 494 KB
Operation system: Windows2000/Windows2003/WinXP
Licence: Shareware,$12.95
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 449/96

Modern sound systems for PCs usually offer you a way to control the sound level. $500+ systems that shine on shelves in computer shops are sometimes equipped with a remote control. Less expensive systems may have a wheel which is completely useless if located on a speaker or subwoofer you cannot easily reach.
Don't you think it would be perfect to have this wheel always handy? If so, this application is for you. Sound Wheel is a sound control that you always carry in your hand when working with your computer. Where is it? Look at your mouse. It has a nice rubber wheel on it. Why not use it as a sound level control? Yes, it is possible, and without affecting its main functionality.
This is how it works: Sound Wheel replaces the standard sound volume icon in your Windows tray. When you press a hot key (Ctrl+Shift by default), it turns your mouse wheel into a volume control. When you release the hot key, your mouse wheel keeps working as usual.
The Sound Wheel tray icon indicates the current volume level and the mouse wheel current state. You can invoke the standard Windows volume control dialog by double-clicking the Sound Wheel tray icon.
Sound Wheel is fully customizable. You can set up a hot key and tune the mouse wheel sensitivity.
Sound Wheel brings a new level of usability into the control of the sound volume. Position speakers and subwoofers where they sound best. No need to limit the possible placement by the length of your hand. From now on, you can control the volume easily with your mouse wheel, and from any Windows application.


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