
Iiyama user manual for LCD TV download

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Iiyama [Description of brand]
Iiyamaiiyama is one of the world's leading manufacturers of colour monitors. Efficiency, performance, reliability and user comfort are all key to the development of iiyama products.
Our success has been achieved by the consistent evolution of high quality product and by bringing them to market at an accessible price.
From day one, the emphasis was not along standard lines of mass production, but rather to apply the human element at all stages of the manufacturing process. This philosophy is still central to everything that iiyama creates and our research and development is based on the concept of creating people friendly product. Utilising the most up to date technology has also become an essential element of our manufacturing process and consolidated purchasing and global resourcing has ensured that we retain our competitiveness without compromising quality or features. New products will not be introduced to market unless we are certain that they offer a real benefit to the user and match our infamous price / performance ratio.
Models LCD TV Iiyama

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