
Fujitsu-Siemens user manual for Notebook, Laptop download

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Fujitsu-Siemens [Description of brand]
Fujitsu-SiemensFujitsu Siemens Computers is the leading European IT Infrastructure Provider with a strategic focus on next-generation Mobility and Dynamic Data Center products, services and solutions. With a platform and services portfolio of exceptional depth, our offering extends from notebooks through desktops to enterprise-class IT infrastructure solutions and services offerings. Fujitsu Siemens Computers has a presence in all key markets across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, with Infrastructure Services extending coverage approximately 170 countries worldwide. Leveraging the strengths, innovation and global reach of our joint shareholders, Fujitsu Limited and Siemens AG, we make sure we meet the needs of customers: large corporations, small and medium enterprises and private users. The company is a pioneer in providing environmentally conscious technology and processes, throughout the lifecycle of each product, and is a member of the Climate Savers Computing Initiative and Green Grid organizations. To meet stringent international standards for corporate social responsibility, Fujitsu Siemens Computers is a member of the United Nations Global Compact.

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