
Hitachi user manual for TV download

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Hitachi [Description of brand]
HitachiIn November 2006, Hitachi announced a new corporate strategy to promote collaborative creation and profits. With a rigorous focus on a market-oriented approach and profit creation as the basic policy, the aim is to establish a structure that stably generates high profits by the use of key initiatives such as the implementation of fully FIV* (Future Inspiration Value) based management, the creation of a business portfolio with higher profitability, moving forward with group management, and innovation in collaboration with partners and group companies.
In order to achieve this, Hitachi will focus on the business areas in which Hitachi can show its strength, will strengthen its social innovation business, which consists of its social infrastructure, industrial infrastructure, life infrastructure and information infrastructure businesses, and will endeavor to maximize the synergies with the infrastructure technology/products business that underpins social innovation business operations.
Corporate governance is being systematically strengthened, efficient group company management implemented and equity relationships reviewed, in order to raise earnings throughout the corporate group. With the emphasis on collaborations with partners and group companies, in the Hitachi Group diverse partnerships are being used to strengthen collaborative innovation business undertakings in various areas of operations

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