
Service manual for HiTi Cleaning suppliesdownload

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HiTi [Description of brand]
HiTi Hi-Touch Imaging Technologies, Inc. manufactures dye-sublimation photo printers, the best digital camera output solution, with Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer technology.
Hi-Touch produces exciting new dye-sublimation (dye-sub) photo printers to meet the needs of our commercial and consumer customers. For example, the HiTi 630/640/730 line designed for consumer home printing and the HiTi 640DL/640Amphi designed for heavy-duty commercial printing and mini-labs. Our line of consumer photo printers complement most all quality digital cameras, and enable our customers to print lab quality digital photos with ease and enjoyment.
On the other hand, our imaging software, PhotoDésirée, provides image editing tools and an ability to create various print applications such as stickers, calendars, greeting cards, and photo ID's. With Hi-Touch's photo printers and the imaging software, our consumers can obtain the fantastic feeling of photo printing immediately.
Hi-Touch Imaging Technologies was established in February 2001 in Taipei, Taiwan. With an employee base of 650, Hi-Touch markets its printers around the globe. We have a cutting edge research and development team with talents in hardware ASIC design, moving mechanisms, firmware/driver/application development and color science. Additionally our optical/chemical knowledge related to digital photography has been integral to our ability to create our revolutionary dye-sub printers.
Moreover, Hi-Touch also has its own production team and manufacturing plant just outside Shanghai in Suzhou, China. Our high performance production facility gives us the ability to manufacture large numbers of printers quickly and efficiently in order to meet the extensive demand for our innovative products worldwide.
Furthermore, Hi-Touch Imaging Technologies has integrated our core-competencies in order to build a strong reputation and expand into new markets and territories and is poised to become a leader in the digital imaging industry. Our sales and marketing teams are experienced in developing ODM programs with well-known international clients and in promoting our own HiTi brand worldwide. Our goal is to be the leader of the digital imaging revolution. After all, our digital prints are not the closest thing to photo lab prints, they are better.
Models Cleaning supplies HiTi

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