
Download DBAppHelper for windows

Download shareware,.00 version of DBAppHelper

On this page you are able to download DBAppHelper program of windows section of database category, as well as familiarize with its brief description, operating system type, kind of license and a program popularity rating. Here is also the information about previous user views and a program product downloads amount. In order to download DBAppHelper you have to enter the confirmation code in the appropriate form and click on the "Download DBAppHelper" link. The download will begin in a few second in case of correct code input.

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DBAppHelper, Shareware,$10.00
File info:
File's size: 5 MB
Operation system: Windows2000/Windows2003/WinXP
Licence: Shareware,$10.00
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 94/1

Database Application Helper(DBAppHelper): A. Access Application: 1. Browse Table Structure 2. Browse data 3. Execute SQL(Help SQL) 4. Record insert, delete, update 5. Execl Data Import and Export 6. SQLSERVER Data import and export 7. Compress Database, Modify Password 8. Get Password 9. SQL Help
B. MS SQLServer Application: 1. Browse encrypted procedure, function, view, trigger 2. automation generate table select, insert, delete, update sql 3. Automation generate table initial sql 4. Automation generate procedure of table selected 5. Automation generate table structure and analyse table data


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