
Download IGS-Replicator for windows

Download demo,5.00 version of IGS-Replicator

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IGS-Replicator, Demo,$475.00
File info:
File's size: 25 MB
Operation system: Win98/Windows2000/Windows2003/WinME/WinXP
Licence: Demo,$475.00
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 124/11

IGS-Replicator 2.0 makes the exchange of data between databases a pleasure. All the functions you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles most of the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. IGS-Replicator 2.0 working environment offers all the features of a powerful and easy-to-use solution to handle all of your data movement tasks. It reads the structure of the connected databases automatically and displays it clearly. Choosing tables and the setup of conditions to the data exchange is fast and intuitive. If you once have to solve a really hard task - you can go into the deep of SQL with making descriptions manually on raw SQL level. Easy to use! The functionality of choosing tables and setting filters is clearly arranged through a tab structure in the main mask. The working area for the column adjustment as well as the area for the replication conditions setup are placed in separate tabs. Each functional block has its own tab. The list of the database tables is always visible. Thus you have at any time an overview about the current state of the development of your replication task. New Dialog "Action-Selection"! This new dialog helps you to choose the desired action directly with starting the program or anytime. It displays also the list of the 'last recent files' with up to 50 entries. Just work! There is no worry about deeply hidden features and functions. Just launch the program and start working. The user interface is transparent and straightforward. You don't have to spend lots of time for getting familiar with IGS-Replicator. Licensing model! The advantageous licensing model lets you put the right member of the IGS-Replicator product family to the right place that you really save money and equip your enterprise with replication services optimally. Assistance! IGS-Replicator checks your replication information after opening, before storing and executing to prevent irregular states in the files.


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