
Download Police Field Contact Manager for windows

Download shareware,.00 version of Police Field Contact Manager

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Police Field Contact Manager, Shareware,$55.00
File info:
File's size: 8 MB
Operation system: Win98/Windows2000/Windows2003/WinME/WinXP
Licence: Shareware,$55.00
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 275/96

WHAT DOES IT DO: Field Contact tracks every contact you have with any person or vehicle, and stores information on those contacts. It also allows you to maintain information on others such as wants, sex offenders and drug dealers. Every piece of information in the system is easily searched. It accepts images from any Windows source, any Twain source, or from a disk so you can import pictures from digital cameras, in car video systems, scanners, and computer files to name but a few. It can also be used as a personal intelligence database with its advanced search capabilities. WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU: Track every possible contact you make. such as field interviews, traffic stops, warrants, interviews, suspects, tickets, wants and much more. Customizable fields allow you to add and track your specialized information. Gives you the power to search and find contacts based on any field in the database without knowing any programming or query languages. A powerful grid search that allows searching and grouping by dragging grid headers. The ability to save and reload any searches you create for later use. The ability to capture images from any video capture device, from any twain source such as a scanner, cut and paste from other programs, or from any supported file type such as jpegs. Print out any record, search results, and images. It also contains a complete report designer so you can make the reports look exactly how you want them to look. Keeps your personal records in a secure database, encrypted with 128 bit encryption, that only you have access to. Maintains records on such persons as want, sex offenders and drug dealers.


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