
Download BEGINNING VISUAL C# .NET for windows

Download demo version of BEGINNING VISUAL C# .NET

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File info:
File's size: 1 MB
Operation system: Windows2000/WinNT 3.x/WinNT 4.x/WinXP
Licence: Demo
Rating: 0
Views/Downloads: 154/5

BEGINNING VISUAL C# .NET is an adult adaptation of our VISUAL C# .NET FOR KIDS - the primary difference between the two versions is that BEGINNING VISUAL C# .NET has more adult projects. It is an introduction to computer programming that provides an interactive, self-paced tutorial to the Visual C# .NET programming language and environment. This course is written for the absolute beginner - no programming experience is required, but familiarity with Windows use is expected. Included with the course is free, unlimited support and advice via e-mail.
BEGINNING VISUAL C# .NET is presented using a combination of over 400 pages of course notes and actual Visual C# .NET examples. Ten "plain-English" lessons explain the Visual C# .NET toolbox, event procedures, and many elements of the C# computer language. Examples are used to demonstrate every step in the application building process. The tutorial also includes several computer projects that illustrate practical applications of Visual C# .NET, including loan calculators, graphics programs, portfolio managers, checkbook balancers, and even a simple video game!
BEGINNING VISUAL C# .NET sells for $19.95. The course requires Windows 2000, NT or XP, ability to view and print documents saved in Microsoft Word format, and Microsoft Visual C# .NET (either the stand-alone product or the version shipped with Visual Studio .NET).


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