

Download demo version of VISUAL BASIC EXPRESS PROJECTS

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File info:
File's size: 367 KB
Operation system: Windows2000/WinNT 3.x/WinNT 4.x/WinXP
Licence: Demo
Rating: 0
Views/Downloads: 127/0

VISUAL BASIC EXPRESS PROJECTS contains six programs you can use at home. The programs illustrate advanced uses of Visual Basic Express for Windows applications. Topics covered include using the Windows API for timing, input validation, printing, using multiple forms, graphics, and working with sequential files. This download is the complete source code for VISUAL BASIC EXPRESS PROJECTS for your study and modification. To gain the programming skills needed to understand this code, take a look at our BUILDING PROJECTS WITH VISUAL BASIC EXPRESS tutorial.
The programs included are: STOPWATCH, a dual-mode stopwatch, LOAN CALCULATOR, a program that lets you compute loan repayments, GAS MILEAGE, a utility to track your car's gas mileage performance, BIORHYTHMS, a way to compute your body's natural rhythms, MEMORY GAME, a fun game for the whole family, and ONE-ARMED BANDIT, a slot machine simulation.
VISUAL BASIC EXPRESS PROJECTS will run under Windows 2000, NT or XP. You also need Microsoft Visual Basic Express to run the projects. To use the code, download the zip file and extract the files to a desired directory. Then, open the project file in Visual Basic Express.


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