
Download ActingScenes.com Method Acting eBook for windows

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ActingScenes.com Method Acting eBook, Freeware
File info:
File's size: 92 KB
Operation system: BEOS/Linux/MAC 68k/Mac OS X/Mac Other/Mac PPC/MS-DOS/OS-2/OS-2 Warp/OS-2 Warp 4/Palm OS 1.0/Palm OS 2.0/Palm OS 2.1/Palm OS 3.0/Palm OS 3.1/Palm OS 3.2/Palm OS 3.5/Palm OS 4.0/Palm OS 4.1/Palm OS 5/Pocket PC/Symbian/Unix/Win 3.1x/Win95/Win98/Windows CE/Windows2000/Windows2003/WinME/WinNT 3.x/WinNT 4.x/WinXP
Licence: Freeware
Rating: 0
Views/Downloads: 129/1

The Method Acting ebook covers the fundamentals of Method Acting. You find the definition of method acting. You'll learn the basic skills necessary to become a method actor. All of the following skills are covered, and there are exercises presented for each. * The ability to relax and become a clean slate. * Concentration and why it's important. * Using Sense Memory to create sensory objects. In addition, you'll have a unique opportunity to get the companion Acting Secrets eBook. This ebook will show you how to break down a scene. You'll examine the scene with the six step process. That process covers the following. * The setting of the scene. * The relationship between the characters. * The conflict driving the scene. * The wants of each character. * The emotional colors of the characters. * Determining the moment before. In the eBook, you'll learn all the essential decisions of creating a character. You'll find out how to succeed at cold reading. You'll get the information you need to win a role from a cold read audition. The Acting Secrets eBook is simply a must have for analyzing sides and cold reads.


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