
Download eBooksWriter LITE for windows

Download freeware version of eBooksWriter LITE

On this page you are able to download eBooksWriter LITE program of windows section of e-book & literature category, as well as familiarize with its brief description, operating system type, kind of license and a program popularity rating. Here is also the information about previous user views and a program product downloads amount. In order to download eBooksWriter LITE you have to enter the confirmation code in the appropriate form and click on the "Download eBooksWriter LITE" link. The download will begin in a few second in case of correct code input.

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eBooksWriter LITE, Freeware
File info:
File's size: 3 MB
Operation system: Win95/Win98/Windows Vista Business/Windows Vista Business x64/Windows Vista Enterprise/Windows Vista Enterprise x64/Windows Vista Home Basic/Windows Vista Home Basic x64/Windows Vista Home Premium/Windows Vista Home Premium x64/Windows Vista Starter/Windows Vista Ultimate/Windows Vista Ultimate x64/Windows2000/Windows2003/WinME/WinNT 4.x/WinXP
Licence: Freeware
Rating: 0
Views/Downloads: 139/0

With VisualVision's EBooksWriter you can create ebooks with ease. It's a professional all-in-one visual environment, not just a compiler: - you build compact self extracting ebooks with one click; - one ebook, one source file. All visual, no compilation, no coding, no complications...; - no royalties: you're free to redistribute your ebook / ebrochure over the Internet and on CD; - you can create unlimited number of ebooks; - built-in browser (does NOT require Internet Explorer, Firefox or any other software installed); - no code / HTML; - full-text search capability, even boolean search; - you make .exe or aeh ebooks freely distributable, i.e. no royalties; up to 260000 pages per ebook (Pro and Gold; 200 for Standard, 20 for Lite); - you can prohibit print or copy; - can set an expiration date; - can password protect all or part of the ebook; - can assign different passwords for different users; - ? "lock to PC" personal key protection with the CBProtect Virtual Vault service; - music and video: AVI MPEG WMV......; - frames, text styles, popup windows, rollover / mouse over sensitive images, visual linking: feature rich, easy to use, fast; - forms and shopping cart (Gold edition) - plugin capabilities (e.g. the 3D Buttons plug-in for quick creation of headings and buttons); - little, quick and smart: runs also on MSWindows 95; - easy to learn and productive in the long term; - you are NOT forced to sell your ebook through us; You can't protect your Web site from copy or printing. To distribute a compact ebook from your Web site is a handy way for distributing protected information! The internal album makes it easy to reuse objects and images, the clipart and templates collections help you to obtain results immediately, the optimized hypertext management makes it simple and visual even the placement of elaborated frame-to-frame links, the search/replace speeds up the work. It's comprehensive and the LITE is free, so it is a must have.


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