
Download Custody Toolbox for windows

Download shareware,.95 version of Custody Toolbox

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Custody Toolbox, Shareware,$49.95
File info:
File's size: 3 MB
Operation system: Windows2000/Windows2003/WinME/WinXP
Licence: Shareware,$49.95
Rating: 0
Views/Downloads: 301/16

Take control of your custody situation with VERSION 2 of Custody Toolbox, Five O'clock Software's all-in-one custody management solution. Whether you're in a nasty custody battle or a harmonious custody sharing situation, Custody Toolbox will help you organize all of your custody-related information and protect your kids' rights.
Custody Toolbox features a color-coded calendar, a powerful, searchable custody journal, a child information database, an address book with birthday and anniversary reminders, and a handy to-do list (all with optional password protection
When you first run the program, it will walk you through setting up your parenting time schedule. It's as easy as answering a few questions about your custody sharing schedule.
The color-coded calendar makes viewing and updating your parenting schedule a snap. Plus, you can add events to the calendar (and set alarms for them if you'd like) with just a few mouse clicks. Printing the monthly calendar is easy too.
The powerful, searchable journal can make all the difference if and when your child custody case goes to court. By using it regularly, you'll have a detailed record of custody-related occurrences that you can hand over when your lawyer needs it or the judge asks for it. Along with the journal, Custody Toolbox includes expense and mileage trackers.
The child info tool gives you a place to store important information about your kids. Record Social Security numbers, medical information, school information, etc. There's even a place to store your custody/holiday schedule agreement so you don't have to pull out the divorce papers to remember the schedule every time a holiday comes around.
Custody Toolbox also has an address book that will remind you when birthdays and anniversaries are coming up and a handy to-do list.
Printing your data couldn't be easier with Custody Toolbox. The "Print Reports" tool consolidates all of your printing options onto one screen.


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